October 09, 2018 1 min read

If you have visited the Kingston Mosaics and Tiles showroom in Glasgow, you must be aware of the large collection of Kitchen Tiles, Bathroom Tiles, Mosaic Tiles, Porcelain Tiles and other Home Décor items we offer. Our latest addition to the line of Home Décor and Renovation products are Granite Worktops for the kitchen. These are made not only with aesthetics in mind, but functionality as well.

  1. Light Grey/Black/White Granite Worktop

 This unique design is offered in three colour variations; light grey, white and black. These colours allow the flexibility of choosing the right one to complement the existing colour scheme in your kitchen. Belonging to the neutral pallet, these colours are ideal and trending in the market for modern homes. Click here for more information regarding this product.

  1. Black Galaxy Granite Worktop

 This beautifully designed Granite Worktop is offered in black with the aesthetically appealing factor being its galaxy like effect. The pattern portrays a classy and mysterious look while also giving the added benefit of functionality. This worktop is one of the best-selling items at Kingston Mosaics and Tiles. You can purchase this product here.

If these products have given rise to your interest, make a stop at our showroom in Glasgow for the real feel. Our staff will not only make you feel welcome but also offer any advice or suggestions you may require. You can find our location on this website : https://www.kingstonmosaics.co.uk/


Happy Home Designing!

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